Supplements have been around basically since men could put two and two together and come up with some sort of tonic for an illness. For every ailment that we have there will certainly be some sort of supplement of medicine that you can take to ease the pain and start healing.
Sometimes even if you don't have a health problem, there will be some sort of medicine out there that can supposedly help you out. This is the case even if the problem you have isn't health related and can be something cosmetic.
Having a small penis isn't a medical or health problem. In fact, your body is perfectly healthy, it's just that god decided to give you a small member. Taking penis enlargement pills is not so much for healing your body but for changing something cosmetic which your body is perfectly happy with. It is just that you have a warped image of what a penis should measure and thus take pills to try make it grow.
I'm going to be outright frank with you. Penis enlargement pills taken ALONE will never do anything. The human body just doesn't work that way. It goes against every medical text ever made over the years. Supplements only help when the body is actively doing something. Most commonly it is when the body is healing itself. A great example of this is a bodybuilder. You may say that he/she takes a lot of supplements but in reality the supplements are to help his/her body repair the damage that they do in the gym to the muscles. If a body builder doesn't go to gym and takes all the supplements, nothing will ever happen!
Here's the fact: Penis Enlargement Pills Never Work Taken Alone.
Here's the problem. All you need to do is have a look around the internet. You'll find hundreds of vendors hocking penis enlargement pills that claim to offer you easy growth just by taking the supplements alone. This is a sure sign that whatever they are selling is BullCrap! There are no supplements in the world that can offer you penis enlargement unless you do something to your penis where your body is required to regenerate the tissue. As mentioned earlier this is the basic rule that your body works on. Taking supplements alone will never give you growth.The penis enlargement industry is really the marketer's dream as having a small penis is something that is very embarrassing to men and is also something that men want to change. This creates a very huge “want” but also the embarrassment of asking around so the potential customer isn't very well informed. These two conditions make it very easy to sell hokus-pokus products like pills etc and not have customers come asking for their money back. Unfortunately it is also a great playground for scammers and con artists. You will find that 99% of the penis enlargement pills out there are scams. All they do is leave you with a lighter pocket.
Just to make you feel worse some of these pills don't even contain anything useful. A recent study by a medical journal into the ingredients of popular penis enlargement pills shows that the vast majority are just placebo tablets which contain nothing but caking agent and sugar. Some of them contain aspirin which can thin the blood to help circulation but it really does precious little else.
The problem is with regulation. Since most penis enlargement pills are labeled as natural supplements they don't have to follow the strict guidelines of the FDA. Instead they can just throw whatever “natural” ingredients inside, isn't poisonous and you list it at the back of the bottle. This basically allows these scammers to bring a penis enlargement product to market that doesn't do anything but promise the world. In this industry it is very much a “buyers beware” market. Don't buy into any product until you have done the proper research and are 100% confident in your choice.